"Got Praise??" (Praise Repair Week Continues)

'But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel'.
Psalm 22:3 KJV

Good Morning! 'How in the world are you this morning?  Good, I hope'!!

This is 'Day 2' of 'Praise Repair Week'.  I thought about how 'praise' is a spiritual weapon that we can use against the enemy's attacks

The above 'scripture verse' was on my thoughts when I woke up this morning.  Yes, God lives in 'our praises' and 'praise' causes us to 'thrive over' the enemy attacks when they happen and brings 'victory'.   

Yes, we are 'like Israel' when we 'believe God' and take Him at His WORD and shout out our  praises.

So therefore,
Let us take our weapon of 'Praise' when the enemy 'attacks' and for prevention of the 'attacks', by 'praising the LORD'!  We can start this very morning!
'Praise the LORD' from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, the LORD's Name is to be PRAISED!  'Praise the LORD'! (see Psalm 113:3)

Praise YE the LORD!!
Love Ya all! 😉☀️🙋🏼‍♂️
